
This is the latest of our posters and it is now up in DC.  I would be happy with it but the guy in it hasn't a beard and he wouldn't grow one for us, which just goes to prove that Muslims won't integrate and do not wish to aid decent people in society.  So the continuing stereo-type of the hairy threatening monster has been diminished somewhat, but you can only work with the material that you can find and distort!  

It has been said that these adverts are anti-Muslim... well the Leftist Muslim appeasing, Commie, Hippy Dhimmis would say that, wouldn't they?

And as usual they are dead wrong...

Just because they attempt to demonise an entire people based on their faith, by portraying them as blood-thirsty killers, terrorists and child molesters, using tactics taken from Nazi propaganda such as this, this and of course this; it does not mean that they are against Muslims.

And even if they were, so what?  These are Muslims we are talking about!

We are not against Muslims.  We just think that anyone who follows Islam should be ethnically cleansed from all nations and exterminated.  There is nothing in that statement that says that we have a problem with Muslims.  And if you think otherwise, then you are a Commie, Obama loving, Leftist, Dhimmi, who will also be put against the wall. come the Civil War!
Oregon man arrested for aiding suicide bomber who killed 30 people in Pakistan The NY Daily News, March 8, 2013
Reaz Qadir Khan, a U.S. citizen, has been charged with helping suicide bomber Ali Jaleel, who died during a 2009 attack in Lahore, Pakistan. If convicted, Khan could spend the rest of his life in jail for giving the terrorist advice and financial help.

And I for one am hopping with glee, salivating over being able to twist this into another attack on Muslims and peaceful Muslim communities.  I mean you can tell he is a terrorist, just from his beard!

We on the Far Right keep telling you all Muslims are terrorists trying to kill good non-Muslims.  

When are you going to believe us?  When are you going to stop relying on common sense and start whipping yourselves into a frenzy like we want you to?

Why, Goebbels, isn't this working as well as when you did it?

I will walk you through it one more time, sheep!

This man is a terrorist.  He is a Muslim.  Although a tiny amount of Muslims commit terrorist and other violent acts, you will believe us when we tell you that ALL Muslims are violent terrorists.  Even though often it is other (peaceful) Muslims who are the victims of these attacks. we want you to think they are only out to get us and they are all one big army of hate.  This is bloody exhausting.  Don't you know how hard it is to twist this stuff into hate-filled propaganda? 

Btw, when reading the article, please ignore the bit that says that the bombing took place in Pakistan and that the victims were Muslims.  Ta very kindly
The London Standard has published this article about the terrible and horrific abuse of young girls which, it can be claimed, is being ignored and not dealt with by authorities the world over.
Which is great for SIOA (Stupidly Ignorant Obtuse Assholes) as it has all the ingredients needed for a nasty bit of Goebbels style propaganda if twisted enough. Namely, a desperate plea from a young girl, fear and terror, a horrific mutilating practice and barbarism.

Whilst it is true that experts who have researched this barbaric practice say this is a local-culture phenomena, and is prevalent in Christianity, Judaism and Pagan sects as well as Islam, it is clearly the case that this can be used to demonize Muslims wonderfully in true Nazi style.  

After all, these experts are dangerous enemies, bent on getting the truth about these sorts of things out into public and using facts to educate the sheep, I mean public.

We must blame the Muslims!  Who else would use the pain and suffering of children to distort the truth and spread an evil ideological doctrine designed to cause genocide and world-wide ethnic cleansing? 

Which, reminds me, I must buy Pam Gellers new book!
 am very pleased to announce that my latest book, Shaving or Submission: On the Dangers of Islamists Posing as Americans With Beards, is now available. This hot new e-book gathers together the reasons why ordinary Americans should not trust men with beards, giving you a handy all-in-one compendium and primer for advancing freedom's cause against the forces of collectivism and hatred. In a new Introduction, I explain why, now more than ever, America’s choice is between a clean shaven jaw or allowing Muslim Jihadists to easily pose themselves as Americans with beards.  The balance of the book illustrates this important  battleground of this great war: using racist Nazi style cartoon physical stereotypes to denigrate all Muslim men as evil, facial hair, combing, suicide bombers who wear funny clothes and hide their sneering contempt of freedom beneath a scraggily, cowlicked bush.   It calls upon all good Patriots to take up hair-dressing and barber courses to enable a mass forced Remmington attack on the Islamists to reveal their evil vampire-fanged grimaces beneath 

This book is a chronicle of the defense of freedom straight from the trenches. Get it, read it, absorb its lessons, and above all -- use it as a foundation for your own defense of freedom, while you still can.

Buy it. Send copies to your friends.

Innocent American beardy with mental health patient or secret Jihadi Islamist with seductive suicide bomber?
It doesn’t seem to have occurred to anyone that Nidal Malik Hasan, the Army psychiatrist who murdered thirteen people at Fort Hood on November 5, 2009 in the name of Islam and jihad, might still be fighting his jihad. But he is.  And I know this because


Thats right, folks, I have irrefutable proof about this as a) he is a Muslim and I don't like them and b) he is  Muslim and I don't like them!

Now some of you may ask, what proof do you have?  Where is your research?  Show us your evidence!  What in the name of all that is sane are you going on about now? 

 But I say this to you:


And to the rest of you who are moaning because I am trying to get mileage out of a terrible tragedy and ignoring the grief of the families involved whilst further endangering our troops by distorting ideas, creating falsehoods and demonizing every single Muslim the world over no matter who they are, based on the actions of one twisted individual...

I say, whose fucking side are you on?

Spotty Roberts has written various books about Islam even though he has absolutely no academic credentials and is yet to produce an accurate account of what Islam is.  He considers himself to be an expert much to the annoyance of actual experts and when not attacking Muslims for their poor treatment of women, he is demanding that women should be seen and not heard in his Orthodox Catholic organisation.  He currently is the director of Watching Jihad so I can blame all M

Following my disgraceful expulsion during the slutty sheep incident, my mentor and inspiration Joseph Goebbels had this to say.

It is disgraceful that this fine woman has been expelled from the meeting yesterday. It is clear that far from being good upstanding members of the Far Right, you are in fact weak-kneed Liberal filth who cannot see this fine woman for who she is.

Gertie continues to be the apex warrior in defending free speech and denying a voice to the Leftest and Jewish filth, and when I say Jewish I, of course, mean Muslim as there is no correlation between what we did to the Jews in the 1930's and what the Right Wing are doing to the Muslims now, no way, no sir!

I wish there were more with her spirit!  Who else among you have embraced my methods, my careful research in how to turn the stupid, the easily led and the ignorant into hate-filled violent thugs?  Who else works so hard to condemn an entire religion of millions of people based solely on the actions of a minority whilst distorting the truth, telling out-right lies and fueling the fear of the above mentioned Far Right Sheep?

It is time for you to get a grip, come to heel and aid her in her cause to spread hate,fear and so control the masses.

I do not understand why you vilify her so!  Its not like she is Pam Geller
The new look CPAC meet to discuss freedom of religion
It was always going to be fraught getting into the CPAC conference.  Luckily I had come prepared and brought my slutty sheep outfit and so security presumed that Glen Beck had arranged some late night entertainment again and so let me in.   Most folk couldn't understand why I had decided to attend this event, after all it had been taken over by Grover Norquist, who had been seduced by the dark arts of Islam and married one of their suicide bombers.  After that all talk about how the Earth needs to be cleansed of the Islamist Scourge had been banned.  It is clear that the protection of Freedom of Religion is no longer an issue and traditional values have gone to the dogs
It is clear that CPAC has abandoned all Conservative principles and morphed into some fleshy, ambiguous, compromised political machine doling out money and favors for cronies, when it is doing anything at all.  And by this it has let the gays in.  What were they thinking?  Have they not listened to the good-hearted and moral Pastor Charles L. Worley of Providence Road Baptist Church about these foul perverts. Whilst I remember, be sure to google my speeches on the evils of Islam and the calling for the execution of these bum boys and lesbos.  Once again the Muslims show how barbaric they are.  

But I digress...

I have held my tongue on this issue for the last years


Armed only with a megaphone and dressed as a slutty sheep, I stormed into whatever meeting some boring Islamist apologist was holding, and began to shout out the truth!

I spoke of the war that we are engaged in, and what must be done!  The stunned silence from the audience told me that here were good people ready to listen and able to act.

And as I was being carried out, spread eagled by the four burly police officers, one of them a young, simple delicate maiden with SS tattoos  hurried alongside and asked me what should they do?
And I told her, just as I am telling you all now!  

Ignore the facts by educationlists, Leftists and the White House.  The Universities, Congress, and the Media all now lie in the hands of the Great Univeral Islamist Conspiracy.  Facts mean nothing, research may prove things, but in the end game, that hardly matters.  You must read this blog and the blog by Spotty Roberts to get the truth. Armed with the voices in our heads and our reworking of Mein Kampf, we KNOW the truth!  Learn about the Islamist cause to rule the world.  Don't become another Conservative traitor like Norquist who was won over by Intafida cooking!  Let your mind be washed by what we tell you

And then act!  Round up the evil ones, stick them in ghettos and then you know what to do!

In the meantime tickets are available for our conference on 'Defending Freedom of Speech'  

Leftists need not apply, the sooner you are prevented from spreading your evil, the better!"
Once again the media, full of Leftists, Communists Dhimmis and educated people who research and have a sense of perspective are failing us by NOT reporting on Islamist crimes and the evils of Muslims everywhere.  

They put us in danger everyday as you can never know just what that Muzzie is doing in his taxi, or in his shop, or at the office or in the school.  And lets not forget, these people have no desire to work or integrate and want to take away our stores, our transport, our businesses and our schools as they go against their evil teachings!

Yet again I spent literally a few minutes trawling the media sites and have found four examples there of murdering Jihadis, in our midst who the Media are not telling us about
For example, take  Yusuf Ibrahim, a 27-year-old Egyptian immigrant who on Feb. 5 allegedly beheaded two Coptic Christians living in New Jersey. I found about this Muzzie by clicking here, here, here, here, here and here to find out about this evil Jihadi
And when I clicked on this, this , this, and this, I found out about Ali Syed, a 20-year-old Muslim who allegedly randomly killed three people in Southern California on Feb. 18 before killing himself. And that took an incredible twenty seconds to locate!
Nevermind the fact that I spent fifteen seconds finding this, this, this, this, this, this and this to find out about Ammar Asim Faruq Harris, a 26-year-old reported black Muslim convert who on Feb. 21 is said to have killed three people in Las Vegas.
And there is clearly a media conspiracy to hide the crimes of this Jihadi as you can see here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here 
It is clear once more that the media is ignoring these terrible acts of terrorism. YES TERRORISM! Leftists like Fox News, the media, the police and the DA's won't label their crimes as such, but we all know why.  Its because they are pandering to their Islamist masters in the White House.  And whilst they may have access to the trials, the investigations and the details of these crimes; I, sitting behind my computer, know better.  These are terrorists.  They must be.  They are Muslims
When is the media going to wake up and start reporting these huge numbers of terrorist crimes committed by Muslims.  Here are four going back a couple years in the tens of thousands murders and rapes that have taken place in that time.  It is clear there is 
This has to be the first government in the world to say this.

Check out the article  in The Australian. In short, no room for Sharia law in a multicultural society. It is outrageous that these "people" think that they should to be able to follow a form of their culture in a multicultural society.  Who do they think they are?  It is their way, these invaders and terrorists!  Next thing they will be wanting to be able to have places of worship and a right to vote!  British criminals did not wipe out thousands of brown people and destroyed their society through ethnic cleansing and imposing their own ways; just to let other brown people arrive their and want to be able to live in a country that is based on freedom!  

This is rampant in the US as well - 70% of Muslims support multiple wives.... I know this as the figure came to me when I was shouting abuse at some Muzzie kids as they went to school the other day.  Its obvious!  American are not used to polygamy, its not something that would ever enter into a true American Religion!  Which reminds me, don't forget to join me at my new seminar 'Lets make the Muslim Men Shave Those Terrifying Beards' in Utah next week!
If America and Europe do not follow the Australians' lead, then it is obvious that in only 20 years both countries will be knee deep in Muslims, all demanding unemployment benefits whilst taking white peoples' jobs, committing crimes and getting off in a two-tier legal system whilst filling all our prisons at the tax payers expense.