Once again the media, full of Leftists, Communists Dhimmis and educated people who research and have a sense of perspective are failing us by NOT reporting on Islamist crimes and the evils of Muslims everywhere.  

They put us in danger everyday as you can never know just what that Muzzie is doing in his taxi, or in his shop, or at the office or in the school.  And lets not forget, these people have no desire to work or integrate and want to take away our stores, our transport, our businesses and our schools as they go against their evil teachings!

Yet again I spent literally a few minutes trawling the media sites and have found four examples there of murdering Jihadis, in our midst who the Media are not telling us about
For example, take  Yusuf Ibrahim, a 27-year-old Egyptian immigrant who on Feb. 5 allegedly beheaded two Coptic Christians living in New Jersey. I found about this Muzzie by clicking here, here, here, here, here and here to find out about this evil Jihadi
And when I clicked on this, this , this, and this, I found out about Ali Syed, a 20-year-old Muslim who allegedly randomly killed three people in Southern California on Feb. 18 before killing himself. And that took an incredible twenty seconds to locate!
Nevermind the fact that I spent fifteen seconds finding this, this, this, this, this, this and this to find out about Ammar Asim Faruq Harris, a 26-year-old reported black Muslim convert who on Feb. 21 is said to have killed three people in Las Vegas.
And there is clearly a media conspiracy to hide the crimes of this Jihadi as you can see here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here 
It is clear once more that the media is ignoring these terrible acts of terrorism. YES TERRORISM! Leftists like Fox News, the media, the police and the DA's won't label their crimes as such, but we all know why.  Its because they are pandering to their Islamist masters in the White House.  And whilst they may have access to the trials, the investigations and the details of these crimes; I, sitting behind my computer, know better.  These are terrorists.  They must be.  They are Muslims
When is the media going to wake up and start reporting these huge numbers of terrorist crimes committed by Muslims.  Here are four going back a couple years in the tens of thousands murders and rapes that have taken place in that time.  It is clear there is 

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