This has to be the first government in the world to say this.

Check out the article  in The Australian. In short, no room for Sharia law in a multicultural society. It is outrageous that these "people" think that they should to be able to follow a form of their culture in a multicultural society.  Who do they think they are?  It is their way, these invaders and terrorists!  Next thing they will be wanting to be able to have places of worship and a right to vote!  British criminals did not wipe out thousands of brown people and destroyed their society through ethnic cleansing and imposing their own ways; just to let other brown people arrive their and want to be able to live in a country that is based on freedom!  

This is rampant in the US as well - 70% of Muslims support multiple wives.... I know this as the figure came to me when I was shouting abuse at some Muzzie kids as they went to school the other day.  Its obvious!  American are not used to polygamy, its not something that would ever enter into a true American Religion!  Which reminds me, don't forget to join me at my new seminar 'Lets make the Muslim Men Shave Those Terrifying Beards' in Utah next week!
If America and Europe do not follow the Australians' lead, then it is obvious that in only 20 years both countries will be knee deep in Muslims, all demanding unemployment benefits whilst taking white peoples' jobs, committing crimes and getting off in a two-tier legal system whilst filling all our prisons at the tax payers expense.

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