am very pleased to announce that my latest book, Shaving or Submission: On the Dangers of Islamists Posing as Americans With Beards, is now available. This hot new e-book gathers together the reasons why ordinary Americans should not trust men with beards, giving you a handy all-in-one compendium and primer for advancing freedom's cause against the forces of collectivism and hatred. In a new Introduction, I explain why, now more than ever, America’s choice is between a clean shaven jaw or allowing Muslim Jihadists to easily pose themselves as Americans with beards.  The balance of the book illustrates this important  battleground of this great war: using racist Nazi style cartoon physical stereotypes to denigrate all Muslim men as evil, facial hair, combing, suicide bombers who wear funny clothes and hide their sneering contempt of freedom beneath a scraggily, cowlicked bush.   It calls upon all good Patriots to take up hair-dressing and barber courses to enable a mass forced Remmington attack on the Islamists to reveal their evil vampire-fanged grimaces beneath 

This book is a chronicle of the defense of freedom straight from the trenches. Get it, read it, absorb its lessons, and above all -- use it as a foundation for your own defense of freedom, while you still can.

Buy it. Send copies to your friends.

Innocent American beardy with mental health patient or secret Jihadi Islamist with seductive suicide bomber?

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