The new look CPAC meet to discuss freedom of religion
It was always going to be fraught getting into the CPAC conference.  Luckily I had come prepared and brought my slutty sheep outfit and so security presumed that Glen Beck had arranged some late night entertainment again and so let me in.   Most folk couldn't understand why I had decided to attend this event, after all it had been taken over by Grover Norquist, who had been seduced by the dark arts of Islam and married one of their suicide bombers.  After that all talk about how the Earth needs to be cleansed of the Islamist Scourge had been banned.  It is clear that the protection of Freedom of Religion is no longer an issue and traditional values have gone to the dogs
It is clear that CPAC has abandoned all Conservative principles and morphed into some fleshy, ambiguous, compromised political machine doling out money and favors for cronies, when it is doing anything at all.  And by this it has let the gays in.  What were they thinking?  Have they not listened to the good-hearted and moral Pastor Charles L. Worley of Providence Road Baptist Church about these foul perverts. Whilst I remember, be sure to google my speeches on the evils of Islam and the calling for the execution of these bum boys and lesbos.  Once again the Muslims show how barbaric they are.  

But I digress...

I have held my tongue on this issue for the last years


Armed only with a megaphone and dressed as a slutty sheep, I stormed into whatever meeting some boring Islamist apologist was holding, and began to shout out the truth!

I spoke of the war that we are engaged in, and what must be done!  The stunned silence from the audience told me that here were good people ready to listen and able to act.

And as I was being carried out, spread eagled by the four burly police officers, one of them a young, simple delicate maiden with SS tattoos  hurried alongside and asked me what should they do?
And I told her, just as I am telling you all now!  

Ignore the facts by educationlists, Leftists and the White House.  The Universities, Congress, and the Media all now lie in the hands of the Great Univeral Islamist Conspiracy.  Facts mean nothing, research may prove things, but in the end game, that hardly matters.  You must read this blog and the blog by Spotty Roberts to get the truth. Armed with the voices in our heads and our reworking of Mein Kampf, we KNOW the truth!  Learn about the Islamist cause to rule the world.  Don't become another Conservative traitor like Norquist who was won over by Intafida cooking!  Let your mind be washed by what we tell you

And then act!  Round up the evil ones, stick them in ghettos and then you know what to do!

In the meantime tickets are available for our conference on 'Defending Freedom of Speech'  

Leftists need not apply, the sooner you are prevented from spreading your evil, the better!"

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