The London Standard has published this article about the terrible and horrific abuse of young girls which, it can be claimed, is being ignored and not dealt with by authorities the world over.
Which is great for SIOA (Stupidly Ignorant Obtuse Assholes) as it has all the ingredients needed for a nasty bit of Goebbels style propaganda if twisted enough. Namely, a desperate plea from a young girl, fear and terror, a horrific mutilating practice and barbarism.

Whilst it is true that experts who have researched this barbaric practice say this is a local-culture phenomena, and is prevalent in Christianity, Judaism and Pagan sects as well as Islam, it is clearly the case that this can be used to demonize Muslims wonderfully in true Nazi style.  

After all, these experts are dangerous enemies, bent on getting the truth about these sorts of things out into public and using facts to educate the sheep, I mean public.

We must blame the Muslims!  Who else would use the pain and suffering of children to distort the truth and spread an evil ideological doctrine designed to cause genocide and world-wide ethnic cleansing? 

Which, reminds me, I must buy Pam Gellers new book!

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