Oregon man arrested for aiding suicide bomber who killed 30 people in Pakistan The NY Daily News, March 8, 2013
Reaz Qadir Khan, a U.S. citizen, has been charged with helping suicide bomber Ali Jaleel, who died during a 2009 attack in Lahore, Pakistan. If convicted, Khan could spend the rest of his life in jail for giving the terrorist advice and financial help.

And I for one am hopping with glee, salivating over being able to twist this into another attack on Muslims and peaceful Muslim communities.  I mean you can tell he is a terrorist, just from his beard!

We on the Far Right keep telling you all Muslims are terrorists trying to kill good non-Muslims.  

When are you going to believe us?  When are you going to stop relying on common sense and start whipping yourselves into a frenzy like we want you to?

Why, Goebbels, isn't this working as well as when you did it?

I will walk you through it one more time, sheep!

This man is a terrorist.  He is a Muslim.  Although a tiny amount of Muslims commit terrorist and other violent acts, you will believe us when we tell you that ALL Muslims are violent terrorists.  Even though often it is other (peaceful) Muslims who are the victims of these attacks. we want you to think they are only out to get us and they are all one big army of hate.  This is bloody exhausting.  Don't you know how hard it is to twist this stuff into hate-filled propaganda? 

Btw, when reading the article, please ignore the bit that says that the bombing took place in Pakistan and that the victims were Muslims.  Ta very kindly

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